
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Canine Cannonball At Dog Days This Weekend!!

What?? The 8th Annual Canine Cannonball!
When?? Friday-Sunday, June 6-8!

Man's best friend will soar through the air and make a huge splash in competition to see who is the top dog Canine Cannonball is a DockDogs-sponsored, dock-jumping competition that has been an annual event at the Lake of the Ozarks since 2007. Dog Days Bar & Grill, located at 1232 Jeffries Road on land or at the 19-mile marker on the water, has been the lakeside host of the Cannonball since its inception. This furry aerial competition is a crowd favorite at Dog Days and has attracted an estimated 5,000 spectators on each day of the competition.

"Canine Cannonball is an exciting event for families and dog lovers," said Dog Days owner and event organizer Mark Barrett. "It's outdoors, it's on the Lake, it has a bunch of loveable dogs showing off their athletic abilities and if you like music, bands are playing live at Dog Days. It is the perfect fit for people who are traveling to the Lake and looking for a fun way to spend the weekend."   

The concept of dock jumping as a performance sport for dogs originated in the U.S. when dock workers would bet on how far their dogs could jump into the water. Since 2000, Dock Dogs has been the independent governing and sanctioning body for regional, national and international dock-jumping events for dogs. DockDogs tracks each official jump of all competitors and dogs are ranked nationally. The sport is both serious business and a lot of fun for both dog and owner. Dock-jumping athletes and their owners can sometimes train together for a half hour or more each day in their respective events to hone their skills. 

All Canine Cannonball activities are free for spectators. Money raised at the event through donations will benefit the Dogwood Animal Shelter, a no-kill shelter in Osage Beach. The Shelter will also have pets available for adoption on-site during the three-day meet. According to Dogwood Animal Shelter officials, these pets have been given all required shots at the time of adoption. 

This is one of the best family friendly events at the Lake of the Ozarks! Whether you're a full-time Lake of the Ozarks resident or you're on vacation, join us for an unforgettable weekend!

We have almost finalized our music and event schedule for the ENTIRE 2014 season - so be sure to check back often for all the Best Events at Lake of the Ozarks!!  For the Lakes #1 dining and entertainment and home of great free family fun events, it's Dog Days at beautiful Lake of the Ozarks!  Dog Days is now open 7 days a week!!

To keep up with everything happening at the Dog, follow us on FacebookTwitter and check us out on Youtube.

Voted a top 10 water bar in the nation in 2010 and best waterfront restaurant at Lake of the Ozarks in 2011 by Powerboat

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